A preliminary analysis of reports shows that, during 1967, local authority fire brigades attended 139 641 fires in England and Wales, 18 374 in Scotland and 2 780 in Northern Ireland. The number of incidents attended by each brigade is given in Table 1.
Three firemen were killed at the scene of fires. In England and Wales 358 members of the fire services were injured at fires; the corresponding figures for Scotland and Northern Ireland were 33 and 6 respectively.
Fire brigades assisted in the rescue of 623 persons from hazardous situations at fires in England and Wales, 113 in Scotland and 53 in Northern Ireland. A further 1 209 persons were rescued by other persons in England and Wales; the corresponding figured for Scotland and Northern Ireland were 122 and 90 respectively. Five hundred and seventy-five people in England and Wales escaped by emergency means from fires; there were 55 such escapes in Scotland and 26 in Northern Ireland. Further details of casualties, rescues and escapes are given in Tables 2, 3, 4 and 5.
There were 5 incidents in which mass evacuation of premises was deemed advisable. There were three hospitals, one a mental hospital, amongst these incidents - two were in Scotland and the other in Northern Ireland. Also evacuated were a school in Scotland and a departmental store in Northern Ireland. The number of persons involved is not known for some of these fires.
The analysis is based on reports received up to 2nd March, 1968 and the figures are subject to revision when outstanding reports are received.